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example of general topic and narrowed topic

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BROAD TOPIC: Computer Games. You must narrow it to something like "Politics in Kenya" or "Kenya's Culture." Once you have determined that your topic will be suitable, you can move on. Directions: Narrow down the following general topics into narrow topics. Art, business, history, physical sciences, social sciences, humanities, and education are all examples of subject areas. Steps to Narrowing a Topic Example: turnover in the nursing industry. • Choose an interesting topic. This is the reason that it is better to go for a narrow . Combination -- use two or more of the above strategies to focus your topic more narrowly. Choose a general topic area. Employee 2. Are you for or against it? Steps to Refining Your Topic. 132 7 Developing Your Speech Learning Objectives 7.1 Select and narrow a topic for a speech that is appropriate to the audience, the occasion, the time limits, and yourself. for only $16.05 $11/page. 2. For example: The topic of a research paper, in contrast, is the specific issue being discussed. The goal is to choose a research question that is specific, measurable, and testable. In-depth research - find and read as many journal articles (in particular, research studies) about your topic as you can. NARROWED TOPIC: Computer Game Violence. First start out with a general topic. A subject is broad and general, such as Education or Sports or Film -- too big to be the focus of your research paper. Some examples of common research paper styles include: Argumentative Research Papers. . 138.2K. The relationship between assignment strategies . A topic is more focused, more precise; it is a narrower subset of a subject. They should also provide a larger understanding of the term as a concept. They can define concrete concepts or abstract concepts. Finding Information 3. Practice Task 2 Narrow Down the Topic Topics in Practice Task 1 will be used in this activity in Column A write a general dea that may lead to a research problem to column B, narrow down the general idea to targat a particular aspect of the topic. Instead, choosing a narrower topic provides a clear focus for your process. Analytical Research Papers. If you know a little about the specific topic, try generating research questions. Use these sources and others to decide what stance you are going to take on your topic. To successfully search online article databases and the Internet you need to be specific in asking for what you want - and sometimes get creative. Sample Expository Essay Topics From Students . 5) Turn your topic into a sentence that is a statement. For the purpose of this example, we used the same general topic area, but demonstrated how you could easily turn the topic into either an informative speech . The problem under investigation offers us an occasion for writing and a focus that governs what we want to say. 5G Technology: boon or bane? example: English is subject. In this example, we've quickly narrowed a topic from a more general topic to a more specific topic. To narrow down the focus of your topic, follow the following three steps: 4) Write down additional specific about your topic. Step 2: Make an essay outline and draft topic sentences. Event - Battle of Gettysburg, September 11th. A good topic interests the writer, appeals to the audience, and fits the purpose of the assignment. For example, an economics class may require a business . These technical & non-technical topics can be used for seminars, webinars, conferences, oral presentations, speeches, essays, and research papers. Synonym 1: Come up with two synonyms or related terms for the what aspects of your topic. Choosing a narrower topic limits your provides a clear focus for your process. Our essay title generator is very easy to use and it creates adequate titles and topics based on your keywords and selection. We generate only the best essay topics yet if needed you can click on the button twice and it will randomly refresh the list and give you addition topic ideas. At this stage, you can draft a topic sentence that sums up the main point you want to make in each paragraph. To find hot issues and topics that are being addressed in the news this week and archives of hot topics, check out CQ Researcher. If your topic is too broad, finding and interpreting information about the topic is like preparing to write an entire book! Give at least three ideas in each number. Choosing a narrower topic limits your provides a clear focus for your process. For years, the teaching of cursive writing has been on the decline, and many schools today don't even teach handwriting. Fabric-5. social media children 3. for only $16.05 $11/page. If your topic is too broad, finding and interpreting information about the topic like preparing to write an entire book! Shoes-9. Everest for the First Time. Example: General idea: Exercise Narrow idea: Intense Cardio-Workout 1. Analyze for concepts. How to Narrow Your Topic Start by writing down your broad topic. ; Components-- determine if your initial variables or unit of analyses can be broken into . Consider narrowing it to one of the following: Time Period - 1950s, Iron Age. Example Essay: Wi-Fi (Concrete Concept) There are basically two types of definition essays. Books-8. You can make a list of somewhat-related, random nouns and see if you can ask questions to relate the two topics. A persuasive essay, for example, will have a much different type of topic than a personal experience essay. Here are examples of topics for business management research papers. Topics, related to poverty and inequality, might seem to broad. Do some preliminary research on your general topic. If your topic is too broad, it may be difficult to find focused and relevant . The Role of Women in Business Management. Do any of these topics sound interesting? The topic is "global warming" and the controlling idea is "contributing factors." Topic Sentence: Fortune hunters encounter many difficulties when exploring a shipwreck. Give specific description of the topic area. markets are obviously segmented based on demographics like gender and age, but here are some other categories and examples of market segments: geography (region, city size, climate), lifestyle (couch potato, economical/frugal, outdoorsy, status seeker), family life cycle (bachelors, newlyweds, full nesters, empty nesters), and perceived benefit … Geographic Location - United States, California, London. For the purpose of this example, we used the same general topic area, but demonstrated how you could easily turn the topic into either an informative speech . Use these sources and others to decide what stance you are going to take on your topic. Identify key concepts to do with your topic. Population - Age, Race, Gender, Nationality. If your objective is to write a specific analysis, this topic is too general. Learn More. Generalize what you are looking for. Our narrow topic generator can become your loyal helper with this! If you know something about the specific topic, try writing research questions. If your topic is too broad, finding and interpreting information about the topic like preparing to write an entire book! In this case you must broaden it. In this case it is time to broaden your topic. Keep track of the words used to describe your topic. NARROWED TOPIC: Women and Cancer. Steps to Narrowing a Topic. We could narrow each debatable thesis from the previous examples in the following way: Narrowed debatable thesis 1: Example: General: Environment Narrower: Global warming Narrower: Consider broadening it by: Exploring related issues; Comparing or contrasting the topic with another topic; Choosing an alternative topic that is not so recent -- it may not be covered in books and journal articles yet; Considering the time period covered Free Discrimination Essay Topic Generator. A subject is broad and general, such as Education or Sports or Film -- too big to be the focus of your research paper. Do a few quick searches in current periodicals and journals on your topic to see what's already . The important thing to remember is that these expository essays are based on facts rather than the writer's beliefs or feelings. If you know a little about the specific topic, try generating research questions. Informative Research Papers. 3. Simple & Easy Discrimination Topics for Essay. Here are a few topic statements that eventually lead to successful dissertations: Elementary age students' needs for family-based counseling services. For this example, let's say that your general purpose is to inform, you are delivering the speech in class to your peers, and you have five to seven minutes. Consider whether handwriting is a lost art and whether children should be taught cursive writing. An example could be employee turnover. Choose a topic you find interesting. #1. racism, discrimination, hate crimes, sexism, crimes against _____, bullying, cyberbullying, antisemitism, workplace discrimination, cause, effect, prevention, issues, analysis #2. child labor, sweatshops, unfair labor, children, factories, Consider your topic's scope. • For a general overview, reference sources may be useful. For example, the topic "KENYA" is a general one. In order to write a paper, you are required to formulate a research question. Your topic is too new for anything substantive to have been written. Write the main topic or thesis. Here first is an example of a definition essay for a concrete concept. Also, narrowing your topic will enable you to better determine the specific direction of your paper and the research you will conduct on your topic. information on the broader topic to explore new possibilities and to help narrow your topic. The broad area we are going to narrow in this example is Middle Eastern art. A topic that is too narrow usually has many concepts, or focuses on a specific geographic area or group. Psychology is a vast subject that discusses different multidisciplinary issues and brings together a wide range of topics. The first clue is that your paper needs to be narrowed is simply the length your professor wants it to be. Free Poverty Essay Topic Generator. Find out how others have written about your topic. This is a question associated with your topic that acts as a guide during your research, enabling you to focus and provide unique arguments. In some cases, reading an overview article on a broad topic can aid in narrowing a topic for a research assignment. Use these sources and others to decide what stance you are going to take on your topic. You'll learn how to check your grammar. Let's now look at that topic in terms of a general purpose and specific purpose: . For example, you could compare and contrast two ideas. Example: brewing quality tasting beer and the health of the colonies of yeast used to brew small batches of beer properly. The topic sentences should be more . Example: Use of social media and children 2. Indigenous people's responses to encounters with law enforcement. An example of a general topic might be "Slavery in the American South" or "Films of the 1930s.". In this case, a little research can help you narrow the list of countless one-hit wonders to a short list of songs from the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. This is a free essay help tool that is constantly evolving. You need to look within the broad subject area to find your topic. This is the main subject you need to breakdown and discuss in your paper. Your research essay topic may also need to be related to the specific class you are taking. If you continue to have difficulties defining a topic talk to your instructor or a librarian. It has many subtopics. Here are some possible topics for a research paper developed from the previous subjects: Consider all facets of your subject as you develop topics. Search reference books including encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries to find basic information on your topic. Plants- When selecting a topic, start by casting a broad net because it will help you limit and weed out topics quickly. Should you find that some topics are too broad, feel free to narrow them down. You need to know what has already been published and . The purpose of the assignment will also determine the type of topic. keywords: burnout, neonatal nurses, 30-40, Chicago. •Too many results •Results don't have the information you need •Can only write general statements •Cannot be covered in detail 4. To narrow down a specific topic, follow these steps: 1. Aspect-- choose one lens through which to view the research problem, or look at just one facet of it [e.g., rather than studying the role of food in Eastern religious rituals; study the role of food in Hindu ceremonies]. How to Write a Topic Outline. Example: General: Environment Narrower: Global warming Narrower: News sources can also provide great information on the basics of a topic and what the current issues are. - I highly… an example of a specific is porcupine. Once you have chosen a general topic idea the next step is to refine your topic and ulitmately to formulate a research question.

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example of general topic and narrowed topic