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iran in the bible revelations

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Reagan agrees. A Christian conspiracy blog has now claimed this invasion could come . We saw that the first of the four horsemen of Revelation 6 represents a massive Satan-inspired religious deception. Russia, China, and Iran Take Center Stage Before the Last Act. God's Word ~ the Bible ~ describes in stunning detail the future of IRAN & it's sinister plans for the Middle East.We have been " fore-t. BIBLE prophecy stipulates Israel will be besieged by its mortal enemies in the days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Iran ("Persia") heads the list of Magog's allies (Ezekiel 38:5ff). 1. Iran in Bible Prophecy The Prince of Persia by: Darrell G. Young October, 2004. So there we have it. The Bible names the nations of Russia, Iran and Iraq, Turkey, Syria and others. One of the most iconic posters of World War One features a striking image of a proud lion surrounded by young lions. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Russia and China in Prophecy: What Bible prophecy reveals about Asia. In some ways it resembles us, but in many other ways, not at all. By Thomas Williamson 3131 S. Archer Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60608. Therefore, if a global coalition strikes Iran now, it could fulfill Jeremiah's prophecy and return Iran to the . This is called "the battle of Gog and Magog". Russia has recently completed an additional sale of $7 billion of arms to Iran as the buildup continues. Please read this letter that I sent on March 17, 2007 to Dr. Edward Hindson, Contributing . In 'Iran in the Bible,' this remarkable story is told using ancient Persian texts, archaeological discoveries, and insights from scholars. Each man feels he is seeing the truth while others are not, when actually he is only seeing a portion of the end-times. Bible verses about Iran. American King James Version ×, Revised English Bible, emphasis added throughout). Revelation. Iran in History and Bible Prophecy (Part Two) As foretold by Daniel, the Persian Empire lasted until it was conquered by the Greeks under Alexander the Great some 300 years before the birth of Christ. GOD warns Iran (Persia), being fully directed, commanded, and controlled by Russia (Magog), along with a coalition of allies (including Turkey) WILL go to war and will attack and invade nation Israel. DID YOU KNOW ??? Ahmadinejad's plan to wipe Israel off the map with nuclear weapons will backfire and cause his own people to flee Iran. China is now a major supplier of arms to Iran, establishing the major link between the pre-eminent Asian power and the Middle East that students of Bible prophecy have long expected. I disagree. Most Bible prophecy teachers teach that the United States is not in Bible prophecy. Among the empires that ruled Iran were the Parthians and the . The extent of the Persian Empire is . Daniel chapter 11 . The Bible in Revelation, Ezekiel and Daniel tells us a Babylon and Persia led (Islamic) 10 nation confederacy will invade and attempt to destroy Israel in the end times. Iran as a country, which outright threatens Israel and is seeking nuclear power, may play a part in end times. John Hoole - February 27, 2011 . The two chief nations that lead this attack are Russia (Magog) and Iran (Persia). One of the greatest empires of ancient history, the Persian Empire, played a key role in the Old Testament story of God's Chosen People. The Bible also prophecies the end of Iran (Persia). Daniel used the phrase "king of the North" to describe the commander of the alliance (Daniel 11:5-35).Ezekiel's prophecy lends support to Daniel's, indicating the invading armies will arrive in Israel "from the far north" (Ezekiel 38:6, 15). In fact, the kingdom of Babylon in Old Testament times covered the area that we know . Now Babylon in the Bible is what is now today as modern day Iraq and Iran. Russia is the only modern nation to match this . In the 2,600 years since Ezekiel recorded his prophecies, the nations of Russia and Persia have never been part of an alliance of any sort. The rabbi found a clue to what he called "the real-but hidden- threat to the United States; Iran." Contained within the word 'Iran' was the word . The Book of Revelation is directly from Jesus Christ. Man has a choice and Jesus gives a plea to mankind: Revelation 22.16,17. Put your trust in Jesus Christ. Arrest Order for Sunni Leader in Iraq Opens New Rift New York Times - December 19, 2011 Quote: The government made its case against Mr. Hashimi in a half-hour television broadcast that was as aggressively promoted as a prime-time special. "All answer the call. Dr. Mark Hitchcock, author of an excellent resource book - The End: A Complete Overview of Bible Prophecy and the End of Days (over 500 pages) - notes that: 5% of the Old Testament are prophetic verses; Just check your history books. Russia and China in Prophecy: What Bible prophecy reveals about Asia - Ebook written by Stephen Flurry, Ron Fraser, Andrew Locher, Philadelphia Church of God. Yes. BIBLE prophecy stipulates Israel will be besieged by its mortal enemies in the days before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. To better understand what the Word of God teaches about these coming . Iran is the king of radical Islam. Elam, east of Babylon, west of Persia, and south of Media, was expected to be conquered, then . Iran in bible prophecy. "I personally believe that the reason the U.S. is not mentioned in end time prophecy," says Reagan, "is because we will suddenly cease to be a world power and will therefore . The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the east. Ezekiel 38 tells us about a Turkish led invasion of Israel. The first map is of modern-day Iran: Here's a map of the Persian Empire that includes Libya, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan : They are not the same. The nostalgic image was aimed at motivating citizens of the British Empire to join the war . And surprisingly to many, the Bible speaks of Persia as being chosen and favored for God's grand purposes. We have so many signs today showing we are nearing the final events of prophecy and the blessed return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and one of those signs is the movement of nations towards the . Protesters in Iran surrounded the Saudi embassy in Tehran, launched Molotov cocktails at the building, and stormed the gates. I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. The re-establishment of Israel in 1948 led the neighboring Arab nations to declare war. Prophecy: The coming Apocalypse & Armageddon: "The Great Day of God's Wrath and Fierce Anger"…. But notice what the Lord says in Ezekiel 38:3, "Thus says the Lord God, 'Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh.'"Verse 16 tells us that God not only anticipates this . 1. Since 1994, Iran has dominated headlines and destabilized the Middle East more than any other power. We'll read the prophecy and explain its ramifications on today's edition of Politics & Religion. Through his Dallas-based ministry, Iran Alive Ministries, he says, he tells them about the biblical prophecies that include Iran. It will most likely take place after the rapture, however, due to the following: 1) Israel will be at a time of peace, something that is not currently true and 2) the judgments listed at the end of Ezekiel 38 more closely match other events that will take place during the . That's precisely what we've seen. It's the next prophecy to be fulfilled and may affect . The true Lamb is Jesus Christ. "THE DAY of Jacob's (ISRAEL'S) TROUBLE". There is another prophecy concerning Iran that possibly precedes the Gog and Magog scenario outlined by Ezekiel. One of the most interesting end times events involves a Russian led moslem coalition that tries to invade Israel in the last days. If they have any opinion at all, most think modern Jews fulfill this prophecy. Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015. . Iran in Bible Prophecy - Concepts in Conflict. Jesus is returning soon. Here are three reasons why Iran is the king of the south prophesied in the Bible. Helped by the Young Lions. . These are the exact events the Bible says will happen in the last days. Russia and Iran in Bible Prophecy. Regarding end-times, some men are seeing the tribulation period, while others are seeing the days directly following the coming of the Lord. The battle of Gog and Magog is brewing! The Bible includes a specific prophecy about Ishmael and his descendants: Genesis 16:12, "He will be a wild donkey of a man, His hand will be . Bible prophecy focuses on the Middle East. Most people are blind to the tremendous meaning of this promise today. The Bible explicitly prophesies the invasion of Israel by Iran during the Battle of Armageddon. Turkey, Iran, Libya "members of the same family". And a careful study of Scripture makes it clear that Persia (modern-day Iran) has a key role to play in future prophetic events as well. If the U.S. did receive a . Now the two horns were long, but one was longer than the other, with the longer one coming up last. The spaces between words are eliminated, so that the Old Testament is a . Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the . Iran Is the King of Radical Islam. Revelation 22.15 Outside the city are the dogs—the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idol worshipers, and all who love to live a lie. Others are seeing things that will come to pass in the millennium. Iran in bible prophecy. Iran and the United States in Bible Prophecy. Bible prophecy tells us the invading armies are only defeated by the return of Christ. to those who afterward. According to the Bible, the great crowd of people in between seek picayune . Because, when it comes to the end times, the bible has a lot to say about Israel and war with her neighbors. Revelation13.net: The English King James version Bible code - Part 3d - Iran and Nuclear Weapons The "Bible Code" is a way of looking for hidden prophecies and passages in the Bible, by using a software program to search for messages in the Old Testament Hebrew text. Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015. All of us know, however, that the shadow is not us - not our substance. Iraq blasts kill 100 as fugitive VP gets death sentence . Iran is a nation that figures prominently in the news these days.Three years ago (Sept. 2001) after the terrorist attacks upon America, President George Bush mentioned the nation of Iran and depicted it as being one of the notorious members of the now infamous "axis of evil" nations. This matters in Bible prophecy. True to that prophecy, Babylon . Not so with the beast in Revelation 13:11—it comes from the earth. Please turn your Bible with me to, Revelation 13:1 1 "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.". To understand more about Daniel's prophecy and about the past, present and immediate future of Iran, read Gerald Flurry's free booklet The King of the South. It was March 29, 2014, in Orlando, Florida when prophecy experts Chuck Missler and Gordon McDonald of Koinonia House Ministries were reminded of a long-forgotten Bible . What's In A Name? Actually, according to one interpretation of the prophecy, this has already happened. Second, Persia in the Bible was an empire that encompassed more than modern-day Iran. I believe the United States is mentioned specifically, scores of times, and is described in great detail. OpenBible.info Geocoding Topical Bible Labs Blog. China has sold Iran approximately 3 billion in weapons over the past several years (this was written in 1997), and helped Iran to build its own missiles . Saudi Arabia executed a Shi'a cleric, Nimr al-Nimr. It appears to me that there is some confusion with regard to the current teaching on the place of the nation of Iran in Bible prophecy. We'll read the prophecy and explain its ramifications on today's edition of Politics & Religion. The timing is again the day of the Lord or "in that day" (verses 8, 12), when God has "removed the protection . Jerusalem, the Holy Land and surrounding areas are the focal point of end-time conflict and of the Kingdom of God! The truth of an apocalyptic showdown between Israel, Russia, Iran and a group of other nations in the epicenter in the End Times. The timing is again the day of the Lord or "in that day" (verses 8, 12), when God has "removed the protection . In Ezekiel 38-39 the Bible warns this coming war with Russia, Iran, Turkey and allies coming against Israel will take place sometime AFTER Israel . The Old Lion defies his foes. Interestingly, Russia (Gog) is aligned with Iran (Persia) in the Ezekiel 38/39 post-Rapture invasion of Israel. 7 Bible Predictions About Modern Day Iraq-Iran (1 of 18) Dr. Stan Coffey Revelation 18:2 Series: IRAQ-IRAN Now as we look at the lesson, I am going to give you a summary about what the Bible has to say about Iraq in Bible prophecy. Each word is significant. Iran does have a role to play in the end times, but, first, a little history of Iran and its neighborhood, as it relates to biblical history. - Part 2 . Iran, Libya, and Ethiopia will be with them. The Deadly Wound To The Sixth Head. Third, a comparison of two maps will show this to be true. The Time Draws Near …. The battle of Gog and Magog is brewing! One of the greatest empires of ancient history, the Persian Empire, played a key role in the Old Testament story of God's Chosen People. Iran in Bible ProphecyBy Chris Schang. Bible Codes: "In 5781 Most Living Things Exterminated" . This attack is a massive coalition of nations intent on destroying Israel. The area where Iran is located present day was called Persia or Elam in the Bible and is part of several prophesies about the end times. Revelation 16:12 .'And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.'. . It is the most important book in the Bible for the world today. By Thomas Williamson 3131 S. Archer Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60608. would live ungodly". The ride of the second of the four horsemen unleashes the malignant forces of evil and removes the last vestiges of peace from the earth. He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. These two nations are currently expanding ties and . Joel Rosenberg and Greg Laurie talk and discuss what is going on and what the future could hold for this nation. Middle East. Today, that cooperation continues. In fact, Iran is specifically mentioned in this context. Iran in Prophecy. What's revealed is that both Persia and the Jewish people played a strategic role in the . The recent conflict between the two regionally influential Islamic powers began in this first week of 2016, meaning it should be a very Biblically Prophetical Year. Isaiah 22:6 prophesies, in the context of the future enslavement of the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem (compare verses 1-4): "Elam [Iran] bore the quiver With chariots of men and horsemen, and Kir uncovered the shield.". Both Ezekiel and Daniel describe Israel's end-times aggressor as descending from the north. This prophecy is foretold in Ezekiel 38-39. Iran/Haman Intends to Use Nuclear Weapons. A new president or pope may temporarily speed up or slow down fulfillment, but the final outcome is assured by Bible prophecy. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Isaiah 22:6 prophesies, in the context of the future enslavement of the inhabitants of the city of Jerusalem (compare verses 1-4): "Elam [Iran] bore the quiver With chariots of men and horsemen, and Kir uncovered the shield.". Third, a comparison of two maps will show this to be true. The truth is Jesus is the Son of God, died for our sins, and is the only path to the Father and eternal life. Mao being born at 28 degrees N we will relate to Revelation 12:8 where the . Ezekiel chapters 38-39 describes an invasion of Israel. We're told these nations will set out to annihilate . From that time forward, the land we know as Iran passed from one hand to the next. End times Bible prophecy involving Iran. Iran as a country, which outright threatens Israel and is seeking nuclear power, may play a part in end times. "I saw another beast coming out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb." Revelation 13:11. Jeremiah's foretelling of Iran's Future presents us with a treasure trove of clues that may enlighten us about the fate of Iran's current nuclear aspirations. The Iran nuclear war with Israel is soon. If we consider Mao's birthplace in China, at Shao-shan, Hunan province, China, at geographic coordinates 27.9 N 112.6 E, we will consider the coordinates as related to Bible passage numbers, in particular the Book of Revelation, which is the main topic of this web site. Elam, east of Babylon, west of Persia, and south of Media, was expected to be conquered, then . Prophecy experts are undecided whether the war described in Ezekiel 38 will take place before or after the rapture. What is the Future of Iran in Bible Prophecy? Second, Persia in the Bible was an empire that encompassed more than modern-day Iran. Some people involve themselves with the past and all that it can teach them. And a careful study of Scripture makes it clear that Persia (modern-day Iran) has a key role to play in future prophetic events as well. Iran in Bible Prophecy - Concepts in Conflict. Those involved in tomorrow's affairs study the futures markets and observe the prophets and prognosticators in every detail. It appears to me that there is some confusion with regard to the current teaching on the place of the nation of Iran in Bible prophecy. Britain, Tarshish and Bible prophecy. Within God's statement to Abram are two promises. Gog's Invasion Force, Gog and Magog: Ezekiel reveals how God will allow Satan to use the tools already in place, Islam's hatred of the descendants of Isaac and Russia's need for a secure power base in the Middle East. And I saw, coming out of the mouth of the dragon and out of . Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. 2,600 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel identified modern day Iran (Persia) as a key player in the last days Gog / Magog invasion:

iran in the bible revelations